Integrate your software with courts using APIs OR Bulk efile 1000s of documents to courts using Excel Template

Who is it for?

If you are a Practice Management software provider, be ahead of the competition by integrating your software with APIs to provide automated eFiling solution to your customers. Perfect solution for Process Service Companies, Collection Agencies, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Eviction Companies (eFiling eviction using API for landloards), Mortgage Banking and Foreclosure Law Firms that do batch / bulk filings

Where are the list of APIs?

You can request APIs hosted on postman by emailing efile@uslegalpro.com

How to start with the integration?

You can start by looking at Court eFile API Quickstart

How long does it take to integrate?

Most are able to integrate in a day or two

How to get development support?

We provide FREE development support for court eFiling integration. Contact us at efile@uslegalpro.com

How much is the cost?

The cost varies based on the volume of filings you plan to make. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss the specifics.